Increasing medical concern over “Electro-Smog”

Do you have concerns or questions about
Electro-Magnetic Radiation?

Electrical Currents produce Electro-Magnetic Radiation.

Your mobile phone, your computer, your TV
and stereo system, all emit Electro-Magnetic Radiation.



The human body has adapted and adjusted for millennia to living environs on earth

Only for the last few decades has the immediate electromagnetic environment been so drastically changed.

Non biological frequency charges continuously weaken our subtle energy field

 Our bio-energetic vital force and the strength of our bio-organic defence and immunity are in danger

This is an absolute novelty. The human organism has never before faced these influences.   We are surrounded by cellphones, micro wave radiation (satellites, towers) and hundreds of electric/electronic devices

The situation results in increased susceptibilities to physical and psychic areas (e.g. concentration weakness / tiredness / bad sleep)

Children are particuarly endangered.  Instances of allergic reactions have dramatically increased for children during the last years

The whole country of Austria removed all wireless technologies from public schools years ago.


It is hardly known that every single organ has a specific frequency pattern (see graphics below)


Brain activity, nervous system, glandular system, organs:  everything is organised in a highly complicated manner.  With unique frequency patterns belonging to the body itself

New research:  

So called "Magnetites" work as antennas for orientation in our brains - 100 million magnetite crystals!  This mean that external magnetic fields caused by technic devices directly influence the brain.


Residential magnetic fields as a risk factor for childhood acute leukaemia: results from a German population-based case-control study.

More research


 What we can do and how we measure:

Our E-Smog Meter combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields. It independently measures electric field and magnetic field, and is properly scaled to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside a conductive body. As a result, it "sees" much more than any other electromagnetic pollution meter.

We measure electromagnetic pollution at your home/school/office or workplace.  You will receive an accurate overview about the electromagnetic situation to which your family, students or coleagues are exposed!

Depending on where the knob is set, the meter detects either frequency- weighted magnetic fields (two separate scales), or frequency-weighted electric fields in the ELF and VLF range.  The radio/microwave setting can detect up to three billion Hz (3 GHz), which lets gauge radio- wave power, CB and cellular phone equipment, and many types of radars.

Magnetic Field Detection

In most homes or offices, some areas are "hot" spots with readings in the HIGH range. Most often, this is caused by magnetic fields, which come largely from unpaired internal wiring. Other magnetic sources include video displays, motorized clocks and other equipment, electric blankets and heaters, fluorescent lights and light dimmers, and the transformers that are inside consumer devices. Much of the total field strength is from frequencies that are harmonics or multiples of 60 Hz (120 Hz, 180 Hz, etc.) and 17,000 Hz of video displays.

Cars (especially near the front floorboard of electronic ignition cars) and motorcycles have fairly strong fields that are at frequencies higher than 60 Hz.

Microwave Detection

Occasionally, certain areas read HIGH in the radio/microwave setting. These include door seals around microwave ovens, and cellular phones (but not regular radio phones, which are very low-power). 



 Get your EMF-Reading for your home / school / office !


  For healthy relaxation good sleep is essential.

e.g.  disturbed (right) and EMF-harmonized (left) sleeping places*:


*original measuring before and after harmonizing  (IIREC / Austria)



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